Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Favorite

Because not everyday is filled with sunshine and rainbows....
Happy Friday y'all!

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's Official.

So I've been told that once you post something on Facebook, it's "official." So for those that haven't seen the Facebook post:

Look at that gummy cute! Hehe

So now that means it's totally legit & "Facebook official."

Sunday, August 19, 2012

More Water Fun!

So on Monday we had our trip to the beach. With another HOT week out here we decided that more water wasn't a bad thing. On Friday I decided to take A to the new community park that just opened because I heard there was a splash park there. We headed out early-ish before it got too hot and met up with some friends for a fun day. Or so I thought. Now, for those who are in the know, you already know how much my daughter LOVES to play in the water. Of any kind. Yes, she's been known to keep herself occupied in a bucket of ice at a party or two. If there's a puddle on the ground, she will find it and play in it. Heck, she's been known to spill her own juice/water/milk just to keep herself entertained. I'm not kidding when I say if there's water around, she will seek it out and be perfectly happy for a good 30 minutes. I figured she would love the splash park.

Apparently she didn't love it like I thought she would. Perhaps she didn't like getting her hair wet? Perhaps the water was too cold? Or perhaps she was just being a DI.VA! While the other kids ran around and played and had a great time, little miss decided to just watch. I couldn't believe it. Of all the places she should have been happiest, this should have been near the top of the list!

Eventually she came around and dipped a toe in but not without some shoving gentle coaxing.

Event then, though, she only splashed around for maybe 10 minutes. Then it was back to the sidelines. Juice in hand, she was content to just hang out. 

She likes to save those trying special moments just for me...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beach Day

On Monday I took A to the beach for the very first time! I know, I know, she's totally not in touch with her "island roots" but in my defense 1) we don't live as close to the beach as we used to, and 2) the beaches here are much different than back home (which means I hardly ever beach snob, I know)!! Mandy was taking Jack for their last beach trip of the summer so we spontaneously threw some food in a cooler, grabbed a few towels, and headed out to San Clemente. We talked about our trip to the beach the whole way there...what we would see and who would be there and how much fun it would be etc... A was so excited that she just kept saying "beach, beach, beach!" Once we finally got to the beach, she was so excited she would barely keep still in her stroller. Note: a stroller at the beach isn't necessarily recommended but when you're solo and carrying as much stuff as I had, a stroller becomes highly convenient! Moving on...

After all the excitement from the little miss about the beach, it was quite annoying hilarious to see her FREAK OUT when I put her down on the sand! No, she didn't burn her feet (she had her sandals on). She apparently didn't like the fact that her feet were dirty or perhaps she was unsure of the texture, who really knows. All I know is she jumped on to the towel, sat down, and proceeded to clean sand from between her toes while whining about how "Nayah no like it." DI.VA! Imagine her reaction to me dunking her in the cold salt water! Hehe. After 15 minutes or so she calmed down and decided the sand and waves weren't too bad and ended up having a blast with her buddy Jack. 

she started out with her feet on the towel but her hands in the sand...
deciding whether or not to move off the towel...
giving in  to see what all the fuss is about...
hey buddy!
making sure the towel is nearby...just in case...
ok, ok, this is quite fun actually...

Although, with a whole beach at their disposal, these two still preferred to spend most of their day right here:

Silly kids. 

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