It was nice to be slightly unplugged for a bit. For those who didn't notice my absence, whatever, you're not loyal followers anyway! Hahaha, just kidding. For those who are reading this, thanks for sticking around to see if I'd come back!
In other news, we're at 31 weeks which means we are in the single digit countdown (in weeks)...only 9 more to go! It's crazy that the further along I get, the faster time seems to go by. Well, for now at least. I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune when it's the middle of the hottest day of summer and I'm even bigger than I am now. Until then, though, time is just flying as we try to get everything together for her big arrival. Here's a quick update on the pregnancy at 31 weeks:
- my weight gain is about 7lbs.
- at her
3D ultrasound baby girl weighed in at 2lbs 11oz which was just about average
- still no pregnancy cravings :)
- miss sleeping on my stomach, still not used to the whole side sleeping thing
- feel her movements more distinctly, but they don't hurt
- anxious about her arrival, feeling a bit overwhelmed and underprepared
- still haven't decided on a name...
That's pretty much it for now. Still working on her room and hopefully it will be ready for its reveal soon!