Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Throwing In The Towel

Duuuuuude. Breastfeeding is not a joke.

You've got that right, mom
Yesterday was horrible. The day before, fantastic. Today I feel like giving up. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. It's a constant challenge.

Just feed me already!

I guess I need to man up though right?! It's not so much physically annoying (like soreness or being swollen), it's more of my inability to keep my child awake while she is feeding. She latches on great then it's a countdown to sleepy time. 3 minutes in and she's out. Ugh. Are you kidding me child?! We've tried everything short of having a parade in the room to keep her awake. We've read the books and suggestions that the "experts" give. Nothing seems to be working.

 Two minutes into her feeding session...down for the count

Enter Danielle. She is a friend from my college days and is a Lactation Consultant or Specialist perhaps (among many other titles) at Mission Hospital. She offered her services to me when I was pregnant and I decided it was time to cash in. Someone who knows anything about this whole new world was welcomed with open arms.

Things got personal. Definitely need to be comfortable letting it all hang out. At this point, if it's going to help, I don't care. Do whatever you want with those hands. After two sessions, I think we've got a handle on it all. My breasts are thankful.

Life is goooooood
I think little miss would agree.


Anonymous said...

Don't give up!!! With both of my boys it took us a full 4 to 6 weeks to really feel like we had the whole breastfeeding thing down (and to where I wasn't sore anymore)...My first was a new experience and everything just seemed awkward and tricky...things were a little easier with my second baby...but not by much because he was a sleepy baby like your little girl. I PROMISE things get better and you will be so happy you stuck with it!

erika said...

totally not on the subject of BF (gooooo danielle, btw!) but this last pick she has a DIMPLE!!! YES!!!

Mom said...

I agree with Heather Honey Girl, just stick with it. You are doing fantastic!!! really, I know at times you don't think so but when she weighs in you will see her gain and know that she IS FEEDING and SATISFIED. BTW, she had Brian's smile on the last pic, and your dimple lol TOOOOO CUTE BABY GIRL!!!

Bubbies' Mom said...

Good job asking for help. I had trouble with Nathan in the beginning, but it was because my let down was too was crazy! Hang in there, though, it will be all worth it and you will find it rewarding. I miss those days. My little man weaned himself. He thinks he is so big!

Mockabee Seven said...

She has the dimple! I one ever tells you how hard bfing is! The first two weeks are very tough, but then you start seeing light at the end of the tunnel! :-) Yay for Danielle and her support...and seriously, nothing like exposing a little areola...geez...

the Hott Spott said...

Thanks for all of the encouragement! I think we have found a good rhythm (for now at least) and we're both happy!

Yes, LOVE that she has a dimple!! Hoping for a matching one on the other side ;)

Marisa said...

if you had a "fantastic" day in the 1st 2 weeks, you're doing a lot better than I did! I CAN say that 7 months down the road, it's easy peasy so yes, hang in! :) Keep the photos coming! :) Miss ya!

marilyn said...

You, and Brian have a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L baby daughter!!whatever you have done,and still doing MUST BE RIGHT!!! It doesn't get much better than this, so keep on keepin' on----she is worth it, breast pain and all. Of course I may be bias; but that's alright, she is MY GREAT GRAND-DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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